Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Urbanism for the Apocalypse | Fast Company

Very interesting read..... I am left wondering where all of this is going.

On the one hand you have James Howard Kuntsler, who argues we are facing nothing short of an apocalypse. On the other you have Richard Florida, who sounds a less dramatic and much more optimistic warning bell, arguing we are in a time of a "great reset" that will renew and refresh our civilization.

I am hoping Florida is closer to the truth.

Flickr: Wade Bryant's Photostream

Some really incredible gorgeous photos of Detroit.

Flickr: Wade Bryant's Photostream

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I often wonder if our sense of place is not tied deeply to our childhood experience- and since we often don't live in those childhood places as adults, if we are constrained to ever feel at home when we leave.

I never moved out of Michigan, but I did move to another city and can't say even after ten years that I truly think of it as home.  Will this change as I raise my children here?

This weekend a place-event is happening: the St. Joan of Arc spring fair, an event that is as close to the core of my sense of place as is anything I can imagine. I will never forget the excitement in grade school as the carnival rolled in to town and began setting up in the parking lots adjacent to the school and church. Always in mid-May, the fair represented a time of renewal. We were released from school early on Friday to enjoy the warm spring days and ride the Ship Dragon and Tilt-a-Whirl.

The east side of Detroit and the eastside suburbs-  Lake St. Clair, St. Clair Shores, and Grosse Pointe, still feel more like home to me than anywhere else.

Image Credit: Andrew Potter:

Friday, May 21, 2010


The May issue of THE COLLAGIST, an online literary magazine distributed through Ann Arbor-based Dzanc Books, features a a wonderful poem with a sense of place. Detritus by Michael Lauchlan paints a picture of a demolition in his Detroit neighborhood.

One of the things I love about The Collagist is they follow-up each issue with interviews with the contributors or podcasts of the author reading their work on their blog.  Read the interview with Lauchlan  here.

Image Source: